Cal State Los Angeles Senior Joel Francis issued this debate challenge to billionaire CEO Charles Koch, of Koch Industries today. Joel emphasized that if Koch Industries wants to spend millions of dollars in our state, the CEO ought to have the courage to debate Prop 23 in person. Mr. Koch has donated at least $1 million to the Proposition to suspend our state’s clean energy and climate change laws.
Joel asked for a public debate, anytime, anywhere in the state, before election day to discuss California’s economic future and Prop 23. He is part of Power Vote CA, a project of the California Student Sustainability Coalition ( Hundreds of students are working across the state to stop Prop 23 and mobilize our generation to vote on November 2. Young leaders are standing up to out-of-state special interests trying to ruin our clean energy future by voting No on Prop 23.
You can pledge to vote at from your smart phone or computer.
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Why is Bill Gates afraid to debate Prop 23?
Pingback: Student leader, Joel Francis, challenges Charles Koch to debate Prop 23 and CA’s economic future « The Dernogalizer
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