Dear Operating Team,
Thank you so much to those of you who were able to join our second Operating Team call on Monday evening. I know a lot of you were still wrapping up from the Strengthening the Roots Convergence, so we understand that some of you couldn’t make it. We hope all of you had a fun and enlightening time. The call was full of new and exciting updates! All of you are excited about our new plan for CSSC and it shows.
For those of you who were not able to join the call, please take the time to read through this email and the attached notes from the call to make sure you know about the progress of your fellow Operating Team colleagues. If you did not get a chance to do so before the call, please send an update about your work to the entire Operating Team so that we can all stay up to date with your work. Also, please reach out to other members of the team as necessary and contact Ryan or Pam if you need support in your roles.
The next Operating Team call will be on February 28th at 7pm. An agenda will be sent out early next week.
Here are some highlights and kudos from the call:
* The NEW user-friendly web platform will be ready in March. (Yeah Holly!)
* Now Ricky Ott is confirmed for the convergence. (Yeah Jared!)
* Sunday March 7th is the next council call. (Yeah Tiffany!)
* The 2nd newsletter will be out March 10th . (Yeah Rosie and Ashley!)
* There will be a CSSC awareness week coming up. (Yeah Tessa!)
* ESLP has been contacted at UCSB, UCLA, UCSC, and UCSD. (Yeah Michael!)
* March 14 is the first regional potluck in LAsus. Joy put together a spreadsheet database for us to add in info that we know about nearby schools. (Yeah Joy!)
* And much, much more that you can read about in the complete minutes.
Here are some collective next steps to take as a team:
* If you would like to have access to maintain a section of the new website for your campaign, project, or campus, or for any other purpose, please let Holly know.
* Jared needs a team of 3 or 4 people from CSSC to make emails and calls to potential speakers for the conference. Let Jared know if you are interested. [email protected]
* The newsletter needs content! The next deadline for content will be March 3rd, send it to [email protected] (P.S. The newsletter gets a 24% open rate, the industry average is ~1%. So send news if you want it to get it out there!)
* The California Water Tour is now accepting applications. Apply Today!
* Become our fan on Facebook!
* Tell your friends and peers to sign up for the CSSC Newsletter!
* Operating Team information is centralized at
If you have any critical feedback in regard to our second call or in regard to the process of the Operating Team in general thus far, please share with Corie and Lauren.
If you seek any support or advice in fulfilling your roles please contact Ryan ([email protected]) or Pam ([email protected]). As always, we encourage you to continue to collaborate with one another. Also Lauren, Corie, Ryan, and Pam will all be reaching out to you in the coming weeks to help support you in accomplishing your goals.
Corie and Lauren