I am writing to inform you of some big changes and opportunities for CSSC. After more than two years of service as Executive Director, I have decided it is time for me to move on and make space for a new era of leaders to step forward to bring their creative energies into play on behalf of CSSC.
I’m humbled by what we have accomplished together during my tenure. We have just come out of our biggest Convergence yet and have built incredible momentum. We have grown into a truly statewide organization, representing campuses in all three major public higher education systems in California, as well as private universities, and even some high schools. After years of work, we have finalized the sustainable food systems policy for the UC system - the first major policy of its kind in higher education. And the community that CSSC serves - from the students on the campuses to the alumni in innovative professional positions, from the local farmers to the green business practitioners - is becoming more powerful and resilient by the day, growing in both scope and scale. It is our ongoing success that gives me great inspiration as I reflect on my term as Executive Director.
I’m confident the future will bring forth many new leaders who will shine bright, and bring great work to bear. I believe CSSC has the potential to truly shift higher education in North America. We are influencing schools all over the country. And if we can shift higher education, we can fundamentally shift the way people think and act in every sector of society. If you’ve ever felt inspired by CSSC, someone you met through CSSC, or any of CSSC’s amazing projects or campaigns, this is the time to stand up, declare your intentions, and take your work to the next level.
The CSSC Board of Directors, staff, and I have been working together to ensure a smooth and successful leadership transition. The Board will be playing a key role in guiding this transition over the coming weeks and months, and our staff has created an Operating Team, composed mainly of student leaders, to keep the momentum of our work moving forward. If you have any inquiries, or would like to get involved, please look to the end of this message for the appropriate contact information. If you want to contact me personally, I would love to hear from you - please do not hesitate to reach out via email, cell phone, or Facebook.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve CSSC as Executive Director over the last two years. I never dreamed I would have such an incredible opportunity, which has been by far the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. I would not trade my time as CSSC’s ED for anything. I am proud of what we have accomplished together, and I look forward to seeing where we can go from here.
Wishing you all the best,
Crystal Durham
(310)487-8049 cell
Contact Information
For inquiries about the transition, or to get involved in fundraising, please contact CSSC’s Board of Directors Chair, Quentin Gee, or Vice Chair, Dorothy Le:
Quentin Gee
Dorothy Le
For inquiries about or to get involved with the CSSC Operating Team, please contact Ryan Andersen or Pamela Tuttle:
Ryan Andersen
Pamela Tuttle
Please direct all other inquiries to [email protected]