I am helping to bring together a large quantity of students in the name of sustainability and movement momentum! But I am not doing it on my own, and the title is just there to help organize things a little bit, because it takes a team to make change, and that is what we are!
PAST ROLES: Regional Coordinator
SCHOOL: UC San Diego, 2011
MAJOR: Sociology
HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA
CONNECT: Facebook
About Me
To me the idea of environmental and social activism, seems to not be a choice or a question or an alternative style of life. That is to say, it is not some radical attempt at life, rather it is how life works-in order for those younger than me to enjoy Mother Gaia, I need to tend to her. My favorite thing I have done at UCSD is working with The Sustainable Food Project over the last two years bringing an Urban Farm to campus! I am a writer and a surfer and my legends are other writers and surfers, but also musicians because they always seem to have an element of caring that might either be on the surface, John Lennon, or hidden beneath some aura, Dane Reynolds. One of my favorite writers, Allen Ginsberg, in a poem of his, “The Sunflower Sutra” wrote: Poor dead flower? when did you forget you were a flower? when did you look at your skin and decide you were an impotent dirty old locomotive? the ghost of a locomotive? the specter and shade of a once powerful mad American locomotive? You were never no locomotive, Sunflower, you were a sunflower! Which, to me screams: Poor sad humans? when did you forget you were an animal? when did you look at your skin and decide you were an impotent dirty old jerk? the ghost of a jerk? the slap and scowl of a once monarchical angry American jerk? You were never no jerk, Human, you were an animal! So, lettuce start caring again, show some love for Mother Gaia, and show some love for your fellow, as Buddha said: “Your work is to discover your world and then with all you heart give yourself to it.”
How I Got Involved In CSSC
Real Food Challenge is where I found the group, and in my heart is where I find the reasons.
The Area of Sustainability That Interests Me Most
Food and Social Justice, respecting the ocean
The Role of Student Action in Sustainability
The youth is where the visions are seen, the elders don’t play an adversary, rather just an enlightening adversary, asking questions and poking points to make us think a little longer and harder. We are a young and wise people passionate about what we do and are absolutely vital to connecting the adolescent to the elder, all of humanity to each other and to the earth.
Sustainability Projects I’ve Worked On
- Real Food Challenge
- The UCSD Urban Farm Initiative (www.sustainablefooducsd.org)
Hello. This message is for Jared Muscat or for anyone who was present at the last CSSC Convergence in November. On the last day of the Convergence, there was a keynote speaker at the Santa Cruz Grange. She was an activist and writer who discussed the Earth Contract (or Agreement) as well as her work for an organization that helps indigenous groups in South America uphold their cultural traditions. I cannot remember her name or the organization she was part of and was wondering if you have any of this information. Thank you for your help. —Mariya