Andrew Chang: Campaign Director
contact: andrew (at)
As Campaign Director, Andrew spearheads the 2011-12 End Coal responsible investments campaign as well as provide support to student-run campaigns across the state, including Move to Amend and The Green Initiative Fund. He has been involved with the CSSC since the Fall 2009 Convergence at UC Santa Cruz and was inspired to action by the energy of the statewide coalition. As a student, he took on various roles in CSSC including Council representative, Convergence Coordinator for the Fall 2010 Convergence, and Newsletter Editor. He is a 2011 graduate of UC Santa Barbara, earning a B.S. in Environmental Studies.
Maanya Condamoor: UC System Coordinator
contact: maanya (at)
School: UC Los Angeles
Major: Environmental Science
Maanya is a third year at UCLA studying Environmental Science, with minors in Conservation Biology and Environmental Engineering. She is the CSSC End Coal Campaign’s Southern California UC System Coordinator, meaning that she organizes the events held at the southern California UCs for the End Coal campaign. In the past, she has worked on UCLA’s No on Proposition 23 Campaign, and will also be heading up the Education for Sustainable Living Program’s Responsible Investment Campaign team starting January.
Brynn Cook: UC System Coordinator
contact: brynn (at)
School: UC Berkeley
Major: Environmental Earth Science
Brynn is a community college transfer student, experiencing and enjoying her first semester at UC Berkeley. After spending an inordinate amount of time at community college sampling every major from creative writing to applied math, she found and fell in love with environmental science. At her junior college, she created an environmental club on campus, became a council rep for CSSC, and never looked back! She is excited to continue working with the CSSC here at Cal to connect students and administrators through the End Coal campaign.
Michelle McCarthy: Administrative Coordinator
contact: michelle (at)
School: UC Santa Barbara
Major: Environmental Studies
Michelle is a third year graduating senior at UC Santa Barbara. She works hard as the Environmental Affairs Board’s’ Volunteer Chair. Her interests main interests lie in restoration work, learning about DIY’s, backpacking, and working with animals. She hopes to one day live and work on a beautiful landscape as a Reserve Manager for the area.
Kitty Bolte: Outreach Coordinator
contact: kitty (at)
School: UC Davis
Major: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Kitty is a native of Santa Cruz, CA, and has been bouncing between there and Davis for the first two years of her college experience. Before coming to college, she lived and worked on an organic farm, and she continues to garden and keep chickens at the housing cooperative she lives in. She is known for making pancakes at peculiar hours and employing weird expressions (current favorite: Let’s make like a bakery truck! [and haul buns]).